Finally is Saturday!!! The last day of my working week and I get to relax, even though my way of relax is mostly experimenting with chocolates and confections!
I almost never rest, even when I think I am, my mind is always engaged in creative thinking. Right now i am thinking about the Easter production, I want to make lots of cute bunnies, filled with caramel, nut butters and marhsmallow fluff, maybe raspberry, as well as small and medium eggs, making a combination or something like that. I am also been tickled by the idea of making couple of egg scupltures for dispay at the store, I will see into that. Unfortunately as always my time is limited, and I have to pick my battles carefully. Production for the stores is a priority. Especially now that I have picked up few more places where to sell my chocolates, this is an exciting news and I am looking forward to expand, with my vegan line as well.
The new place where my chocolates are going to be featured its called Piece, Love and Chocolate, a lovely all chocolate thing shop, located at 805 Pearl St. Boulder.
I am very excited about this because it will give me the change to work closely with three very talented women, that with their journey into this new venture, inspire me to become a better chocolatier and confectioner.
Well few new things and more to do, I am ready and scared at the same time, mostly because I am tired and I wish again and again that I could do this full time :-) maybe some day, soon?!